Welcome to the Grief Chat Zoom Call

The first call is Wednesday 16th December 2020 at

8pm GMT (UK)

15:00 New York City (EST)

12:00 Los Angeles (PST)

07:00 17th December Sydney (AEDT) 


This time of year can be especially difficult for anyone who has a loved one who has passed.  I am setting these Zoom calls up on a weekly basis between now and the end of the year to allow people to connect, share and support each other.

This is a completely FREE call that has been organised to provide another route for support for the members of this amazing Facebook group.  The sharing and support that goes on inside the Facebook group is like no other “safe” place for people to chat and air their feelings, emotions and ask questions.  This Zoom call is to provide an extension to that.  It is totally FREE and there is absolutely NO PRESSURE to talk, be on camera or do any more than just listen.

If you would like to try this out, fill in your details below, click the button and you will be sent the meeting link.