For over 20 years we have been focusing on clearing people’s minds of any trauma, prejudgements, prejudices or self-imposed barriers and coping mechanisms.  All to create mental and emotional freedom for our clients.  In this time we have created a unique programme that nurtures the most optimum environment to ensure our brains are firing on all cylinders.

Such has been the success of the programme, we decided to conduct some detailed research and the results have been staggering, and for some clients, life changing.

As part of the research we used a single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scanner, which measures blood flow in the brain, which in turn can tell us how effectively the brain is functioning.  This has revolutionised the programme as well as allowed us to actually see how it has affected individual clients.

Where we have seen the best results is in clients who have had a formal diagnosis on the dementia pathway.  By adopting our programme, those clients have effectively STOP DEMENTIA IN ITS TRACKS.  Clients who have been back to us to allow us to re-scan them at 12, 24 and 36 month intervals have shown that our programme is as effective as any medication in stopping dementia from progressing.

The images below show the output from a SPECT scan.  Its is a before and after comparison of how effective our programme is at increasing blood flow and creating new neural pathways.  It is for this reason why we are able to stop dementia at whatever stage the client is at when they start using the programme.

Client with formal dementia diagnosis Same Client after 8 months of following programme

Mindwell Programme

Our programme is the most comprehensive of its kind that guarantees* to increase cognitive function.  You will experience some or all of the following benefits to some degree or another, after using our programme for 6 months or more :

  • Greatly improved memory and memory recall
  • Greatly improved energy levels
  • Improved social presence, confidence and interactions
  • Old memories, once forgotten, return
  • Increased ability to focus on multiple tasks and complete those tasks
  • Improved levels of overall happiness and satisfaction with life
  • Increased ability to experience better quality sleep
  • Desire, passion and determination to live life to the fullest
*the guarantee is limited to conditions where there is no physical brain damage, either from an external impact such as bang to the head or an illness such as tumor or cancer.  That said, there are still many clients who have increased their cognitive function even having had some degree of brain damage. Please get in touch for more details or to discuss your specific case.

Who Is The Mindwell Programme For?

If any of the following statements resonate with you, it is highly likely the programme will deliver the benefits listed above.

  • If you (or someone you know) have/has been diagnosed with a mental illness, such as Alzheimer’s, then by following the programme you will experience, at worst, no further progression of the illness, at best, a slight reversal.
  • If you (or someone you know) have/has been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, by following the programme you will likely prevent the condition worsening and progressing down the Dementia pathway
  • If you (or someone you know) is involved in a job that requires
