Working Together – CORPORATES

Cases of work related stress, depression or anxiety in 2019/20
All Working Days lost due to stress, depression or anxiety in 2019/20
Annual Cost per employee whose mental health needs are unsupported
Number of days lost to stress, depression or anxiety every year

Employee Assistance Programmes, Corporate Compassion Programmes, or Employee Compassion programmes are becoming an important part of any businesses strategy to attract talent, nurture talent and reduce churn.  If an organisation can develop their employees, ensure they are working to the best of their ability and provide an environment within which they develop and prosper, they are less likely to leave.

In a recent report covering 2019/20 and using data from the Labour Force Survey (Office of National Statistics), the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) stated that :

  • A total of 828,000 employee cases of stress, depression or anxiety cases were recorded in 2019/20.
  • Over 17.9 million days of work are lost each year to stress related sickness, which equates to 21.6 days lost per case.
  • Stress and anxiety accounted for 55% of all work related sickness cases and 43% of all working days lost due to illness.
  • One of the factors cited by employees as causing work related stress was a lack of managerial support and role uncertainty (lack of clarity about job/uncertain what meant to do).

Our Employee Assistance Service, provides the regular, independent coaching and counselling/therapy services that an increasing number of employees need and benefit from.  Included in my programme is the bespoke, fully client-branded iOS and Android app.  This app delivers coaching and supporting content (text, audio and video) right into the hands of the employees.

Over the previous 20 years, our programme is proven to :

  • Increase Productivity by 12%
  • Reduce stress related absence within an organisation by 46%
  • Reduce the number of days lost for each remaining case by 23%
  • Increase the Net Promoter Score for the employer by +2 points

If you would like to know more, please contact us now.