
Mindfulness in the Workplace

By |2021-11-29T15:13:55+00:00December 11th, 2017|Articles, Mind|

Artificial lighting, open-plan layouts, windows that don’t open… modern day offices are far from a haven for mental and physical wellbeing. I’ve spent most of my working life in less-than-ideal work environments that have had a significant impact on both my mood and productivity. Thankfully, more and more companies are starting to realise the link [...]

The List

By |2021-11-29T15:22:56+00:00December 5th, 2017|Articles, Mind|

Now spelt backwards is won! Not too obvious right? But so often we, and I included, miss the now and the won! I met a friend the other day and we talked so much about the memories, the laughs, experiences, the mad night’s out, the hangovers, the morning chats, the madness and calm, the parents, [...]

The Importance of Pushing Yourself

By |2021-11-29T15:23:51+00:00December 1st, 2017|Articles, Mind, Sub Feature|

“Feel the fear and do it anyway.” That wasn’t a phrase I used to have much affinity with. Afterall, why would we want to feel fearful? Surely scary situations should be avoided at all costs? Last week, I wrote about what happens to us when we’re chronically stressed. One of the most interesting things I’ve learned [...]

Why Depression was the Best Thing to Happen to Me – Part 2

By |2021-11-29T15:25:30+00:00November 26th, 2017|Articles, Mind|

I was depressed, but I didn’t have depression. I had the symptoms of ‘depression’, though I didn’t see it as a disorder that I needed to put a label on, I saw it as an opportunity. In part 1 I shared with you how realising that depression does in a sense serve a purpose, this [...]

Trauma and Action – Remembering Road Traffic Victims

By |2021-11-29T15:27:59+00:00November 26th, 2017|Articles, Mind|

On the 19th of November, thousands of families worldwide come together to remember the loss of their dear ones, perished in a war they did not choose to fight. It is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, and in the last few years, its importance and international observance have grown exponentially, becoming [...]

Why Depression was the Best Thing to Happen to Me – Part 1

By |2021-11-29T15:31:00+00:00November 25th, 2017|Articles, Mind|

Depression is not merely ‘on the rise’ – it’s slowly but surely becoming an epidemic! Depression, which is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide, currently affects over 350 million people worldwide according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and predicted by 2020 to become the second leading cause of disease worldwide. About [...]

Tools to Help You Develop Self-Awareness and Stay in Control

By |2021-11-29T15:37:50+00:00November 22nd, 2017|Articles, Mind|

Have you heard of free writing? It’s when you let your hand do the work and your mind relax. In theory, it lets your subconscious rinse its thoughts without your internal editor taking control. There’s an artist, Julia Cameron, who recommends using this technique first thing every morning to help build your creativity and clear [...]

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