
Permanent Temporary Connections

By |2021-02-02T13:31:41+00:00September 18th, 2020|Community, Compassion, Craig's Blog|

The last few months has been filled with a unity amongst strangers that is seemingly impossible to create when there are no overriding, special circumstances. First we had the World Cup where nations from across the World selected their talented team and travelled to Rio to compete in Football's most glamorous honor. Millions of people [...]

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How to Help Someone in a Mental Health Crisis

By |2021-11-29T14:22:59+00:00February 23rd, 2018|Articles, Mind, Sub Feature|

How to Help Others Without Harming Yourself Those are the key words for me, to help others without harming yourself. I have, you could say, a complicated family, and have often found myself on the supporting end of a mental health crisis. The same goes for supporting friends. I like to think I’m a caring [...]

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